Animal populations have experienced an average decline of almost 70% since 1970. This was a result of human actions, mostly in development and agriculture. These actions have led us to an era in which ecosystems are suffering losses that affect us, humans, too. Deforestation, for instance, is one of the culprits in accelerating climate change. […]

Carbon offsetting is becoming more popular, especially with companies who are passionate about protecting our planet. It’s also growing in popularity because it allows companies to make money from their efforts to reduce emissions. But is all this good news for the environment? The idea behind carbon offsetting is simple: if you emit a lot […]

Carbon net zero for investors and commercial asset owners The growing demand of climate-conscious consumers is pushing the building industry to develop ‘carbon-neutral’ properties that use renewable energy sources for power, heating and cooling. Investors and commercial asset owners are looking for ways to mitigate their carbon emissions. Carbon-neutral buildings are more efficient, use less […]

View Source – All employers in Ireland have ESG obligations and a strategy based on alignment with UN sustainability goals makes sense and creates a clear road map for tackling environmental impact. The United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), agreed upon by all UN member states, are designed to address some of the […]

Creating or updating an ESG policy can be a daunting process, engaging with a third party can be a great first step on the road to a strategically sound ESG policy. At Evia we are helping companies invested in the Property sector on the journey to zero carbon and providing advice on how they can […]

The whole ESG, Sustainability and Carbon Net Zero world can be a mass of complicated information which leads to uncertainty around what are the right steps to take when trying to reduce the carbon impact of any workplace. What should we start with? How do we start? Is this the right thing to do? The […]